Getting ready to complete an order containing non-alcoholic, age-restricted items? Below is some helpful information to prepare you for your delivery experience.
Age-Restricted Item Deliveries
In certain states, orders containing over-the-counter medication with the ingredient dextromethorphan, primarily cold and flu medications, will be flagged with a red ID Scan label on the order offer card and will be available for any shopper to claim, no certification needed. These medications can include, but are not limited to, Vicks Dayquil and Nyquil, Mucinex DM, Theraflu, Delsym Children’s, etc.
After tapping Claim order on the offer card, you'll be asked to confirm the claim since you'll be required to show your ID in the store and verify the customer's ID at delivery.
These orders cannot be delivered without checking an ID and collecting a digital signature. The accepting party must be at least 18 years old, show a valid physical ID, and provide their signature to receive the order.*
*Note: Regulations on the purchase of medication containing dextromethorphan vary by state. If the app does not prompt you to scan an ID and collect a signature at delivery, you can proceed with the order as usual.
- If no one is available to accept the order or a customer cannot provide a valid ID, shoppers should contact Shipt Support and return the age-restricted items to the store as soon as possible.
- Shoppers should not sign for these orders. When prompted for a digital signature, you may ask the person accepting the order to sign their name on the screen.
- Shoppers should not scan their own ID. If the customer’s ID scan fails, you should manually verify and enter the customer’s ID information into the app.
- If the ID scan feature is not working, contact Shipt Support for assistance.
ID Verification at Delivery
Shoppers should always attempt to scan the barcode on the ID first. However, if the ID scanner fails, shoppers can manually check the ID.
- You have the ability to choose manual verification for forms of ID that are not scannable, like passports.
- For scanning verification, there's a reminder to scan the back of the ID, not the front.*
- For manual verification, you’ll be prompted to review and input specific info from the ID into the app.
*Note: IDs can be scanned while held horizontally or vertically, but the entire barcode on the back of the ID will need to be visible on-screen and held still for the camera to capture the scan correctly. Shoppers should not scan their own ID.
Who can accept age-restricted items from a shopper?
The accepting party must show a valid physical ID, be at least 18 years old, and sign for any order including age-restricted items. They do not have to be whose name is on the order, however, if the name on the ID is not recognized as being associated with the order, you’ll need to ask the customer to agree to Shipt’s terms and conditions.
Shoppers have the right to refuse the delivery of age-restricted items if the accepting party cannot produce a valid ID showing they are at least 18 years old.
- If no one of at least 18 years old is able to accept the delivery, non-age-restricted items may still be delivered but age-restricted items will need to be returned to the store.
- Please reach out to Shipt Support for assistance returning the item/s.
- Shoppers will be compensated in instances where items need to be returned.
What types of ID are considered valid for age-restricted item delivery?
Scanning the ID is a required step in the delivery process and cannot be skipped.
- IDs must have a photo and a scannable barcode in order to be considered valid.
- IDs must be in date and not expired.
- Digital forms of identification cannot be accepted.
* In North Carolina, out-of-state identification cards cannot be accepted as a form of ID.
** US passports cannot be scanned with the Shipt app, so they will need to be manually verified before completion of the order.
How do I scan an ID?
Tap Verify ID in the app to initiate the scan and verify the person you are delivering to is at least 18 years old. Then, hold the ID in front of your phone, ensure the full barcode is visible on-screen, and wait for the ID to be scanned.
*Note: IDs can be scanned while held horizontally or vertically, but the entire barcode on the back of the ID will need to be visible on-screen and held still for the camera to capture the scan correctly.
A person's date of birth is encoded on the back of the license. Shipt's scanning software will do the math for you, which removes any possible error. The scanner also checks for license expiration. If the ID is expired or belongs to someone under 18 years old, age-restricted items cannot be delivered.
How do I collect an electronic signature for age-restricted items?
On orders including age-restricted items, you will need to obtain an electronic signature. After you have verified the ID of the recipient, customers must sign in to the app prior to delivering the order.
The signature box will appear once the ID is confirmed to be valid. Ask the customer to sign on the line. The order screen will confirm that the ID was verified and a signature was captured. You may then hand off the items and mark the order as delivered.
If the name on the ID is not recognized as being associated with the order, the customer will be asked to agree to Shipt’s terms and conditions before signing, and you may be prompted for your own signature to confirm that these steps have been completed. Once these terms are agreed to and the signature is captured, you may hand off the items and mark the order as delivered.
Can I leave an order with age-restricted items at the door?
No. An ID must be scanned and signature captured for an order with age-restricted items to be completed. You may choose to remind the customer in your "On the Way" message that you must check ID to complete the delivery. Do not leave the order at the door.
What should I do if the app says the ID failed to scan?
Shoppers should always attempt to scan the barcode on the ID first. However, if the ID scanner fails, shoppers will be prompted to then manually check the ID instead.
What should I do if the app says the ID scan is declined or cannot be accepted?
You may kindly remind the customer that you cannot deliver without a valid physical ID. Digital forms of ID cannot be accepted. Ask if they have another form of identification or if there is someone else who is at least 18 years old who can accept the order. If they cannot produce a valid ID, reach out to Shipt Support and return the age-restricted items to the store. If the customer has ordered groceries, you can deliver those items. Only the age-restricted items will be needed to be returned to the store.
*Note: For Delivery Only orders, if a valid ID is not produced upon delivery, the entire order must be returned to the store.
- If the dates of the provided ID do not meet the acceptable standards for age-restricted item delivery, such as the birthdate stating the recipient is a minor or the expiration date stating the ID is expired, the app will notify you and ask you to deliver only the items that are not age-restricted, call Shipt Support for assistance, and then return the age-restricted items back to the store.
What if the manual entry will not submit?
- Manual entry fields will display example text and provide auto-formatting for dates. If the information you enter does not meet the formatting standards, the app will notify you.
- If the dates of the provided ID do not meet the acceptable standards for age-restricted item delivery, such as the birthdate stating the recipient is a minor or the expiration date stating the ID is expired, the app will notify you and ask you to deliver only the items that are not age-restricted, call Shipt Support for assistance, and then return the age-restricted items back to the store.
What do I do if a customer special requests or wants to add age-restricted items to their grocery order?
You will not be able to honor a request for age-restricted items on an order that does not already have them since customers must agree to terms before placing their order. If a customer wants to add age-restricted items after they have placed an order, you may politely let them know they will have to place a new order for that item to be delivered.
*Note: This applies to all retailers.